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Description: Santa's Vacation
Category: Miscellaneous
Release Date: January 23rd, 2000
File Size: 1765K (1765906 bytes)
Downloads: 10 for the past Day (Rank: 7279)
32 for the past Week (Rank: 8387)
Author: Debbie's Themes
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Content: Debbie's Themes
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Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 271305 12-05-1999 15:41 5845 12-06-1999 00:23 Santa Vacation (Win95).Theme 6331 12-06-1999 00:24 Santa Vacation (Win98).Theme 4628 12-05-1999 14:59 Santa Vacation Application Starting.ani 766 12-05-1999 14:50 Santa Vacation Arrow.cur 766 12-05-1999 14:51 Santa Vacation Cross Hair.cur 74420 12-05-1999 13:59 Santa Vacation Default Sound.wav 512156 12-05-1999 14:08 Santa Vacation Empty Recycle Bin.wav 3328 12-05-1999 14:52 Santa Vacation Help.ani 766 12-05-1999 14:50 Santa Vacation I Beam.cur 2378 07-15-1998 23:37 Santa Vacation link select.ani 174392 12-05-1999 13:56 Santa Vacation mail.wav 3774 12-04-1999 23:38 Santa Vacation My Computer.ico 2238 12-04-1999 23:39 Santa Vacation My Documents.ico 4710 12-04-1999 23:38 Santa Vacation Network Neighborhood.ico 5672 12-05-1999 14:53 Santa Vacation No.ani 2500 12-05-1999 14:54 Santa Vacation NW Pen.ani 100736 12-05-1999 14:12 Santa Vacation Program Error.wav 5694 12-04-1999 23:40 Santa Vacation Recycle Empty.ico 2238 12-04-1999 23:40 Santa Vacation Recycle Full.ico 2538 12-05-1999 14:53 Santa Vacation Size All.ani 2548 12-05-1999 14:52 Santa Vacation Size NESW.ani 2546 12-05-1999 14:52 Santa Vacation Size NWSE.ani 2542 12-05-1999 14:49 Santa Vacation SizeNS.ani 2544 12-05-1999 14:52 Santa Vacation SizeWE.ani 219464 12-05-1999 13:54 Santa Vacation Start Windows.wav 74420 12-05-1999 13:59 Santa Vacation System Default.wav 118776 12-05-1999 13:30 Santa Vacation System Exit.wav 152222 12-05-1999 14:14 Santa Vacation System Question.wav 2548 12-05-1999 14:54 Santa Vacation Up Arrow.ani 4628 12-05-1999 14:59 Santa Vacation Wait.ani 216631 12-05-1999 15:15 Santa Vacation Wall Paper.jpg 44604 12-04-1999 23:30 Santa Vacation WVLEFT.BMP 151 12-04-1999 23:22 Santa Vacation WVLINE.GIF 66219 12-04-1999 23:29 Santa Vacation WVLOGO.GIF 3616 12-05-1999 15:39 ReadMe.txt --------- ------- 2100640 36 files

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