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Description: Star Trek Enterprise 1701 (TOS)
Category: Sci-Fi
Release Date: November 27th, 1999
File Size: 982K (982470 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 7853)
46 for the past Week (Rank: 2425)
Author: Giuseppe Tosetto
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Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: Wallpaper path name may be invalid

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 20464 11-07-1997 09:08 1701_3.ani 140910 04-14-1998 16:33 1701 Cestino Vuoto.wav 30530 04-14-1998 16:37 1701 Arresto Critico.wav 203352 04-16-1998 11:07 1701 Avvio di Windows.wav 13854 10-01-1996 00:16 strevis.ico 3164 04-26-1998 16:35 TOS Move.ani 2238 04-09-1998 00:00 b256-no.cur 2238 04-09-1998 00:00 b256-pen.cur 2238 04-09-1998 00:00 b256-cross.cur 4808 04-09-1998 00:00 b256-beam.ani 3774 04-09-1998 00:00 CURSHIP1.CUR 53756 04-14-1998 16:40 1701 Blocco.wav 5478 11-17-1999 22:55 1701a.Theme 5694 11-22-1996 14:25 computer.ico 10130 04-26-1998 15:58 TOSWARP3.ani 1616 04-26-1998 16:32 TOS Size WE.ani 1616 04-26-1998 16:31 TOS Size NS.ani 1616 04-26-1998 16:25 TOS Size NWSE.ani 1616 04-26-1998 16:22 TOS Size NESW.ani 10130 04-26-1998 16:15 TOSWARP4.ani 3978 04-26-1998 16:43 TOS Up.ani 11576 04-14-1998 16:39 1701 Comando di Menu.wav 23312 04-14-1998 16:41 1701 Conferma.wav 22090 04-14-1998 16:38 1701 Messaggio 1.wav 8902 04-14-1998 16:38 1701 Popup di menu.wav 8580 04-14-1998 16:32 1701 Riduzione a Icona.wav 226622 04-14-1998 16:35 1701 Schdplus Reminder.wav 48628 04-14-1998 16:43 1701 Suono predefinito.wav 26282 04-14-1998 16:37 1701 SystemDefault.wav 228512 04-16-1998 14:37 1701 Uscita da Windows.wav 20566 04-14-1998 16:42 1701 Blocco 2.wav 75380 04-14-1998 16:41 1701 Blocco3.wav 36360 04-14-1998 16:36 1701 Messaggio 2.wav 78488 04-14-1998 16:40 1701 Ingrandimento.wav 14306 04-14-1998 16:39 1701 Chiusura applicazione.wav 6546 04-14-1998 16:37 1701 Apertura Applicazione.wav 19088 04-14-1998 16:38 1701 Ripristino in Basso.wav 41168 04-14-1998 17:02 1701 Errore del programma.wav 58355 04-16-1998 13:40 1701 Ricezione posta.wav 10619 04-16-1998 14:46 1701 Ripristino in alto.wav 3774 05-05-1998 22:30 1701_5.ico 3774 04-25-1998 21:53 spock.ico 3774 04-25-1998 21:47 kirk1.ico 43787 05-23-1997 07:27 1701a09.jpg --------- ------- 1543689 44 files

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