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Description: Exotic African tiger
Category: Nature
Release Date: August 4th, 2004
File Size: 1003K (1003602 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 6359)
50 for the past Week (Rank: 1849)
Author: Shar - The Penniless Prophet
Author HTML:
Content: artist UNKNOWN
Content: music by Brenda Fassie
Other info: also includes original icons and cursors.

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Alternate Select.cur 29418 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Busy.ani 4158 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Critical Stop.wav 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Crosshair.cur 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Diagonal Resize NESW.cur 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Diagonal Resize NWSE.cur 5782 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Empty Recycle Bin.wav 270886 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Exit Windows.wav 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Handwriting.cur 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Help.cur 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Horizontal Resize.cur 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Ibeam.cur 5782 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Mailbeep.wav 5826 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Minimize.wav 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Move.cur 7358 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger My Computer.ico 7358 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger My Documents.ico 7358 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Network Neighborhood.ico 16418 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger No.ani 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Normal Select.cur 6622 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Program Error.wav 7358 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger RecycleBin Empty.ico 7358 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger RecycleBin Full.ico 5782 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Restore Up.wav 306670 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Start Windows.wav 3262 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Vertical Resize.cur 196963 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Wallpaper.jpg 23046 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger Working in background.ani 230454 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger.bmp 5465 04-18-2004 13:43 africantigertheme/african tiger.theme 34176 10-08-1992 22:30 africantigertheme/CORNERST.TTF --------- ------- 1220120 31 files

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