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Description: Deep Purple (band)
Category: Music
Release Date: August 28th, 1998
File Size: 2806K (2806756 bytes)
Downloads: 6 for the past Day (Rank: 3250)
32 for the past Week (Rank: 6197)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 101888 08-24-1995 00:00 purple.scr 766 04-24-1998 06:13 battlearrow.cur 110318 04-19-1998 08:30 battleasterisk.wav 766 04-24-1998 05:58 battlebeam.cur 4678 04-19-1998 09:25 battlecomp.bmp 97820 04-19-1998 08:34 battlecritical.wav 766 04-24-1998 06:14 battlecross.cur 151984 04-19-1998 08:37 battledefault.wav 165448 04-19-1998 08:47 battleempty.wav 212810 04-19-1998 08:41 battleerror.wav 200408 04-19-1998 08:45 battleexclamanation.wav 253148 04-19-1998 08:31 battleexit.wav 358404 04-19-1998 08:39 battleexitwin.wav 766 04-24-1998 05:59 battlehelp.cur 2504 04-23-1998 09:23 battlehor.ani 88266 04-19-1998 08:25 battlemaximise.wav 88266 04-19-1998 08:28 battlemeny.wav 63578 04-19-1998 08:24 battleminimise.wav 4828 04-23-1998 09:24 battlemove.ani 4678 04-19-1998 08:05 battlenet.bmp 766 04-24-1998 06:01 battleno.cur 766 04-22-1998 23:45 battlepen.cur 47884 04-19-1998 08:26 battlepopup.wav 284856 07-30-1997 10:23 battleRecycle Bin - Icon Library.icl 2504 10-28-1993 13:20 battleresize1.ani 2504 10-28-1993 13:17 battleresize2.ani 112600 04-19-1998 08:48 battlerestoredown.wav 121344 04-19-1998 08:43 battlerestoreup.wav 240956 04-19-1998 08:51 battlerquestion.wav 258030 04-19-1998 08:35 battlestart.wav 329180 04-19-1998 08:22 battlestarwin.wav 766 04-24-1998 06:06 battleup.cur 3254 04-23-1998 09:27 battlevert.ani 4006 04-24-1998 06:15 battleworking.ani 5271 04-24-1998 06:19 DP-Battle Rages On.theme 131707 04-19-1998 08:02 dpbattle.jpg 129078 04-06-1998 10:47 logo.sys 129078 04-06-1998 10:49 logos.sys 129078 04-06-1998 10:48 logow.sys 306360 08-01-1997 22:43 battle Icons 1 - Icon Library.icl 766 04-24-1998 06:03 battle Size NWSE.cur 766 04-24-1998 06:04 battle up.cur 766 04-24-1998 06:02 Battle-NS.cur 766 04-24-1998 06:00 battleSize WE.cur --------- ------- 4155142 44 files

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