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Description: Humorous artwork of James Christensen
Category: Art
Release Date: September 29th, 2000
File Size: 1875K (1875710 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 7766)
39 for the past Week (Rank: 3834)
Author: LaGiraffa
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Content: James Christensen
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Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 259524 09-09-2000 18:35 Background1024x768.jpg 74550 09-11-2000 21:25 Background640x480.jpg 128682 09-11-2000 21:25 Background800x600.jpg 312907 09-11-2000 22:43 Beatus Est Logos.exe 26075 09-11-2000 22:43 Beatus Est Logos.hlp 10336 09-11-2000 14:04 BeatusAsterisk.wav 272922 09-10-2000 00:40 BeatusBusy.ani 25988 09-11-2000 14:08 BeatusCriticalStop.wav 7788 09-11-2000 14:15 BeatusDefault.wav 23986 09-11-2000 14:13 BeatusEmptyTrash.wav 44686 09-11-2000 20:22 BeatusEst1024x768 WVLEFT.BMP 921 09-11-2000 19:55 BeatusEst1024x768 WVLINE.GIF 67214 09-11-2000 20:25 BeatusEst1024x768 WVLOGO.GIF 6020 09-11-2000 21:06 BeatusEst1024x768.Theme 6019 09-11-2000 23:09 BeatusEst640x480.Theme 6019 09-11-2000 23:09 BeatusEst800x600.Theme 3578 09-11-2000 14:45 BeatusEstReadMe.txt 36954 09-11-2000 16:07 BeatusEW.ani 213930 09-11-2000 16:59 BeatusEW2.ani 18344 09-11-2000 13:47 BeatusExclamation.wav 7358 09-11-2000 15:39 BeatusHand.cur 7358 09-11-2000 23:04 BeatusHandwriting.cur 73824 09-11-2000 17:53 BeatusHelp.ani 26352 09-11-2000 13:49 BeatusMaximize.wav 19982 09-11-2000 13:55 BeatusMenuCommand.wav 13976 09-11-2000 13:51 BeatusMenuPopup.wav 25078 09-11-2000 13:46 BeatusMinimize.wav 7358 09-11-2000 16:09 BeatusMove.cur 7358 09-11-2000 22:55 BeatusMyComputer.ico 7358 09-11-2000 22:54 BeatusMyDocuments.ico 7358 09-11-2000 22:51 BeatusNeighborhood.ico 29580 09-11-2000 17:22 BeatusNESW.ani 30174 09-11-2000 13:52 BeatusNewMail.wav 7358 09-11-2000 17:59 BeatusNo.cur 29580 09-11-2000 16:31 BeatusNS.ani 213930 09-11-2000 17:00 BeatusNS2.ani 29580 09-11-2000 17:22 BeatusNWSE.ani 7358 09-11-2000 16:11 BeatusPrecision.cur 32176 09-11-2000 13:53 BeatusProgramError.wav 20528 09-11-2000 14:06 BeatusQuestion.wav 12338 09-11-2000 13:45 BeatusRestoreDown.wav 17616 09-11-2000 13:43 BeatusRestoreUp.wav 27990 09-11-2000 14:10 BeatusRingIn.wav 24896 09-11-2000 14:12 BeatusRingOut.wav 73824 09-11-2000 18:06 BeatusSelect.ani 7358 09-11-2000 16:13 BeatusText.cur 7358 09-11-2000 22:49 BeatusTrashEmpty.ico 7358 09-11-2000 22:48 BeatusTrashFull.ico 7358 09-11-2000 17:31 BeatusUp.cur 221304 09-09-2000 23:21 BeatusWait.ani 64026 09-11-2000 14:20 BeatusWindowsClose.wav 28718 09-11-2000 13:41 BeatusWindowsOpen.wav 221304 09-11-2000 16:55 FishSlapping.ani 148 04-30-2000 21:26 129078 09-11-2000 22:41 logo.sys 129078 09-10-2000 19:21 logos.sys 129078 09-10-2000 18:55 logow.sys 65888 09-11-2000 14:44 pertili.exe 36192 03-06-1996 10:36 PERTILI.TTF 43520 01-01-1999 00:00 wvinstall.exe 30001 01-01-1999 00:00 wvinstall.hlp --------- ------- 3434498 61 files

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