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Description: Blade Runner (sci-fi movie)
Category: Sci-Fi
Release Date: April 13th, 2002
File Size: 4440K (4440000 bytes)
Downloads: 2 for the past Day (Rank: 8625)
46 for the past Week (Rank: 2396)
Author: Joe Dean
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 129080 07-20-2000 20:09 logos.sys.bmp 6271 02-04-2002 19:48 AIBlade Runner Theme2.Theme 6271 02-04-2002 19:49 AIBlade Runner Theme3.Theme 11070 12-17-1995 05:22 Blade Runner Arrow.ani 101964 04-25-1996 08:26 Blade Runner Asterisk.wav 766 07-14-1995 00:00 Blade Runner Beam.cur 8754 12-02-1995 15:47 Blade Runner Busy.ani 336828 04-25-1996 08:13 Blade Runner Close.wav 766 11-06-1995 01:03 Blade Runner Cross.cur 327264 04-25-1996 07:57 Blade Runner Default.wav 120446 04-25-1996 08:29 Blade Runner Error.wav 125780 04-25-1996 08:11 Blade Runner Exclamation.wav 19844 04-25-1996 08:45 Blade Runner Exit Windows.wav 21948 11-06-1995 00:07 Blade Runner Help.ani 143096 04-25-1996 08:12 Blade Runner Maximize.wav 246968 04-25-1996 08:09 Blade Runner Menu Command.wav 156308 04-25-1996 08:11 Blade Runner Menu Popup.wav 103316 04-25-1996 08:10 Blade Runner Minimize.wav 2508 03-02-1995 19:39 Blade Runner Move.ani 26216 06-13-1998 01:19 Blade Runner Movie Font.ttf 5766 04-18-1996 17:53 Blade Runner My Computer.ico 2506 03-02-1995 19:56 Blade Runner NESW.ani 5766 04-25-1996 10:51 Blade Runner Network Neighbourhood.ico 766 07-14-1995 00:00 Blade Runner No.cur 188648 04-25-1996 08:09 Blade Runner Open.wav 766 07-14-1995 00:00 Blade Runner Pen.cur 322320 04-25-1996 08:23 Blade Runner Question.wav 3265 04-25-1996 11:16 Blade Runner Read Me.txt 4494 04-25-1996 10:19 Blade Runner Recycle Empty.ico 5902 04-18-1996 18:01 Blade Runner Recycle Full.ico 708038 04-25-1996 08:44 Blade Runner Recycle.wav 3272 07-20-2000 20:36 Blade Runner Saver.spr 2508 03-02-1995 19:54 Blade Runner Size NS.ani 2506 03-02-1995 19:52 Blade Runner Size NWSE.ani 2512 03-02-1995 19:37 Blade Runner Size WE.ani 530220 04-25-1996 08:21 Blade Runner Startup.wav 766 07-14-1995 00:00 Blade Runner Up.cur 9480 01-19-1996 15:46 Blade Runner Wait.ani 347 06-14-1998 22:03 BR.cnt 19234 06-14-1998 22:04 BR.HLP 558889 07-21-2000 18:37 BRWallpaper.jpg 452680 07-21-2000 18:54 BRWallpaper1.jpg 321307 07-21-2000 19:01 BRWallpaper2.jpg 129080 07-20-2000 01:19 logo.sys.bmp 150 04-25-1996 09:10 Logobkup.bat 6282 07-20-2000 22:50 AIBlade Runner Theme.Theme 129080 07-20-2000 19:53 logow.sys.bmp 25600 03-31-2001 17:38 Readme.doc --------- ------- 5337614 48 files

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