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Description: Bruce Lee (famous martial arts actor)
Category: People
Release Date: November 27th, 1999
File Size: 3414K (3414955 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 7720)
35 for the past Week (Rank: 5026)
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: Wallpaper path name may be invalid

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 5694 10-15-1998 22:03 5.ico 5694 10-15-1998 22:03 7.ico 5694 10-09-1998 20:41 8.ico 5694 10-15-1998 22:03 6.ico 308716 11-06-1999 13:45 DRAGON DEF.wav 20570 07-12-1998 22:16 DRAGON CRIT STOP.wav 124064 11-06-1999 22:13 DRAGON MAX.wav 93748 11-06-1999 22:12 DRAGON MIN.wav 7258 07-12-1998 22:04 DRAGON COMM.wav 6746 07-12-1998 22:30 DRAGON POP.wav 46682 07-12-1998 21:59 DRAGON MAIL.wav 148868 11-06-1999 22:13 DRAGON RES UP.wav 21594 07-12-1998 22:31 DRAGON ASTERIX.wav 289424 11-06-1999 22:16 DRG SYS DEF 2.wav 294936 11-06-1999 22:20 DRG EXCL.wav 289424 11-11-1999 21:47 DRAGON EXIT.wav 209602 11-06-1999 16:00 DRAGON PROG ERROR.wav 220524 11-06-1999 22:18 DRAGON QUESTION 2.wav 747050 11-01-1999 21:26 DRAGON START.wav 35834 11-01-1999 15:59 BRUCE NORMAL.ani 15920 11-01-1999 14:32 BRUCE HELP.ani 29386 11-01-1999 14:33 BRUCE YELLOW CAT SUIT.ani 13666 11-01-1999 16:11 BRUCE NUNCHAKU.ani 3774 10-31-1999 16:41 Bruce no.cur 7664 11-01-1999 15:44 BRUCE NOR SOU.ani 7664 11-01-1999 15:47 BRUCE EAS WES.ani 14384 11-01-1999 16:20 BRUCE PRES.ani 3774 11-01-1999 16:01 BRUCE TEXT.cur 7664 11-01-1999 16:09 BRUCE RESIZE NW.ani 7664 11-01-1999 16:09 BRUCE RESIZE NE.ani 7664 11-01-1999 14:49 BRUCE MOVE1.ani 3774 11-01-1999 15:03 BRUCE ALT SELECT.cur 129078 11-06-1999 17:52 logo.sys 129078 11-06-1999 21:22 LOGOW.SYS 5591 11-06-1999 23:08 DRAGON BRUCE LEE.Theme 7664 11-07-1999 00:16 DRAGON PEN.ani 129078 11-07-1999 00:03 LOGOS.SYS 172 11-07-1999 00:20 dragon read.txt 531952 11-11-1999 21:46 DRAGON RECYCLE BIN.wav 483478 11-05-1999 19:00 BRUCE COLLAGE.BMP 13608 10-30-1999 15:31 BRUCE CLACK CAT SUIT .ani --------- ------- 4440513 41 files

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