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Description: Clutch ER (band?)
Category: Products
Release Date: January 27th, 2002
File Size: 630K (630665 bytes)
Downloads: 8 for the past Day (Rank: 1269)
65 for the past Week (Rank: 619)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 36584 03-29-1993 11:59 TT0861M_.TTF 35808 03-29-1993 11:59 TT0856M_.TTF 70140 08-26-1998 17:37 Start Windows.wav 2238 04-16-1996 10:04 Radioactive Full.ico 2238 04-16-1996 10:03 Radioactive Empty.ico 21910 08-26-1998 17:36 Question.wav 18816 08-26-1998 17:35 Program Error.wav 612414 04-20-1998 09:56 patch-puzzle.bmp 2238 01-05-1997 01:23 Network Neighbor.ico 2998 04-03-1996 22:58 My Computer.ico 12264 08-26-1998 17:19 Minimize .wav 4074 08-26-1998 17:18 Menu Pop Up .wav 5348 08-26-1998 17:18 Menu Command.wav 8078 08-26-1998 17:16 Maximize.wav 580662 04-16-1998 23:44 LOGO PATCH.bmp 58856 08-26-1998 17:16 Exit Windows.wav 43414 09-05-1998 22:26 Exclamation.wav 31920 08-26-1998 16:58 Empty Recycle Bin.wav 34104 08-26-1998 16:56 Default Sound.wav 17906 08-26-1998 16:54 Critical Stop.wav 6986 08-26-1998 16:53 Asterisk.wav 5607 09-05-1998 22:17 ClutchER.Theme 766 04-16-1998 19:52 Clutch we.cur 7962 04-16-1998 20:17 Clutch wait.ani 766 04-16-1998 19:52 Clutch up.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:51 Clutch nwse.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:44 Clutch NW Pen.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:49 Clutch ns.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:43 Clutch No.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:48 Clutch nesw.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:47 Clutch Move All.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:41 Clutch I beam.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:40 Clutch Help.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:36 Clutch Cursor.cur 766 04-16-1998 19:38 Clutch Crosshair.cur 5698 04-16-1998 20:18 Clutch Busy.ani 6150 09-05-1998 22:17 ClutchER2.Theme --------- ------- 1643605 37 files

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