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Description: Colored fruit jelly sweets
Category: Miscellaneous
Release Date: August 17th, 2003
File Size: 579K (579942 bytes)
Downloads: 2 for the past Day (Rank: 5267)
24 for the past Week (Rank: 8266)
No ownership details available. Please let us know if you created this file.

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 10155 11-01-2001 21:18 25392-mid.jpg 7406 09-04-1999 18:57 grapes.ico 2238 06-07-2001 23:38 abstract18.ico 2238 04-19-1998 01:54 TrashEmpty.ico 2238 04-19-1998 01:55 TrashFull.ico 2238 08-06-2001 00:45 buttonGG.ico 1740 02-27-1999 15:16 aqappst.ani 22660 01-09-1999 16:32 Tumi's Wacky II Help.ani 3262 01-26-2000 22:42 Yellow CRS.cur 13314 01-26-2000 22:33 Help.ani 3262 01-26-2000 22:41 Yellow TXT.cur 2238 02-08-2000 23:38 PurpleNo.cur 13306 01-26-2000 22:39 Pen.ani 10028 01-26-2000 22:35 Move.ani 10038 01-26-2000 22:30 Diagonal2.ani 10032 01-26-2000 22:40 Vert.ani 10038 01-26-2000 22:30 Diagonal1.ani 10034 01-26-2000 22:34 Horizontal.ani 10042 01-29-2000 00:01 Alt.ani 6724 12-18-1999 10:10 Blue Hearts.ani 3710 06-25-2001 02:07 5oclock Astrick.wav 11750 04-23-1999 22:22 consultation asterisk.wav 30728 01-16-2001 16:27 program error.wav 190928 09-16-1999 23:14 mail.wav 14312 11-06-2000 21:30 BUSCRI~1.WAV 27038 08-14-1999 17:29 thang maximize.wav 90898 04-16-2001 23:20 cotton candy Asterisk.wav 18510 07-16-1998 11:24 MarioC Error.wav 24916 06-08-2001 01:49 CrayonRestoreUp.wav 38398 04-18-2001 17:55 critical stop.wav 53494 04-23-1999 22:22 Spectre application fault.wav 1682 06-08-2000 17:00 sea critical.wav 71568 06-25-2001 10:05 HotAsterik.wav 136174 04-25-1999 09:12 Disco - Exit Windows.wav 24488 04-23-1996 11:43 Biodtl.wav 53042 08-26-2000 21:55 asterisk.wav 136916 05-31-1996 14:43 end.wav 28568 03-22-1999 13:27 RBlue Empty Recycle.wav 5629 11-11-2001 05:10 Colorful Fruits.theme --------- ------- 1115980 39 files

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