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Description: Winamp skin of Fred Durst's head
Category: Music
Release Date: July 25th, 2001
File Size: 107K (107455 bytes)
Downloads: 8 for the past Day (Rank: 1160)
28 for the past Week (Rank: 7621)
Author: Kris
Content: Kris
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Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 2238 07-07-2001 12:08 EQSLID.cur 62406 07-06-2001 18:57 balance.bmp 14742 07-06-2001 18:57 cbuttons.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 12:03 CLOSE.cur 2238 07-07-2001 12:03 EQCLOSE.cur 260876 07-06-2001 21:08 eqmain.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 11:51 EQNORMAL.cur 19736 05-08-2000 07:44 AVS.BMP 2238 07-07-2001 11:59 EQTITLE.cur 96104 07-06-2001 21:09 main.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 11:51 MAINMENU.cur 7628 05-09-1999 08:41 MB.BMP 2238 07-07-2001 11:52 MIN.cur 4278 07-06-2001 18:57 monoster.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 11:48 NORMAL.cur 3954 07-06-2001 18:57 numbers.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 12:03 PCLOSE.cur 1206 07-06-2001 18:57 playpaus.bmp 156296 07-06-2001 23:20 PLEDIT.bmp 91 07-06-2001 23:32 PLEDIT.TXT 2238 07-07-2001 11:49 PNORMAL.cur 9294 07-06-2001 18:57 posbar.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 12:06 POSBAR.cur 2238 07-07-2001 12:11 PSIZE.cur 2238 07-07-2001 11:59 PTBAR.cur 2238 07-07-2001 12:08 PVSCROLL.cur 2238 07-07-2001 11:49 PWINBUT.cur 2238 07-07-2001 11:50 PWSNORM.cur 2238 07-07-2001 12:06 PWSSIZE.cur 5826 09-16-1998 13:28 REGION.TXT 23514 07-06-2001 18:57 shufrep.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 12:06 SONGNAME.cur 8478 07-06-2001 18:57 text.bmp 89840 07-06-2001 23:25 titlebar.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 11:59 TITLEBAR.cur 266 07-06-2001 18:57 viscolor.txt 2238 07-07-2001 12:06 VOLBAL.cur 2238 07-07-2001 12:06 VOLBAR.cur 88386 07-06-2001 18:57 volume.bmp 2238 07-07-2001 11:50 WINBUT.cur 2238 07-07-2001 12:03 WSCLOSE.cur 2238 07-07-2001 11:50 WSMIN.cur 2238 07-07-2001 11:50 WSNORMAL.cur 2238 07-07-2001 12:06 WSPOSBAR.cur 2238 07-07-2001 11:50 WSWINBUT.cur 67952 07-07-2001 12:27 EQ_EX.bmp --------- ------- 981299 46 files

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