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Description: Red Hot Pepper (edible variety)
Category: Miscellaneous
Release Date: December 12th, 1998
File Size: 391K (391278 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 5734)
22 for the past Week (Rank: 8811)
Author: ACE
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 31406 11-23-1998 21:44 HOT PEPPER EXCLAMATION.wav 34200 11-23-1998 21:52 HOT PEPPER DROP.wav 112740 11-23-1998 21:49 HOT PEPPER EMPTY RECYCLEBIN.wav 31668 11-23-1998 21:39 HOT PEPPER ERROR.wav 5932 11-23-1998 21:59 HOT PEPPER DEFAULT.wav 72294 11-23-1998 21:55 HOT PEPPER EXIT WINDOWS.wav 22956 11-23-1998 21:57 HOT PEPPER MAXIMIZE.wav 58300 11-23-1998 21:58 HOT PEPPER MINIMIZE.wav 11156 11-23-1998 21:46 HOT PEPPER QUESTION.wav 32306 11-23-1998 21:47 HOT PEPPER WARNING.wav 38650 11-23-1998 21:41 HOT PEPPER WINDOWS START.wav 5102 11-23-1998 22:09 HOT PEPPER.Theme 766 01-15-1996 14:16 PEP_ALT.CUR 7960 05-23-1996 08:59 PEP_BACK.ANI 5110 05-22-1996 09:05 PEP_BLUR.BMP 15090 05-23-1996 11:47 PEP_BUSY.ANI 766 10-02-1995 12:15 PEP_COMP.ICO 766 01-15-1996 14:29 PEP_CROS.CUR 9506 05-23-1996 11:48 PEP_DIA1.ANI 9506 05-23-1996 11:48 PEP_DIA2.ANI 766 09-29-1995 11:38 PEP_EMPT.ICO 766 09-29-1995 11:38 PEP_FULL.ICO 9440 05-23-1996 11:49 PEP_HELP.ANI 9506 05-23-1996 11:49 PEP_HORZ.ANI 9494 05-23-1996 11:49 PEP_MOVE.ANI 5174 05-22-1996 09:08 PEP_NEON.BMP 766 10-03-1995 10:46 PEP_NET.ICO 766 09-29-1995 13:03 PEP_NO.CUR 766 10-24-1995 09:40 PEP_NORM.CUR 766 01-15-1996 14:23 PEP_PEN.CUR 766 01-15-1996 14:07 PEP_TEXT.CUR 2166 07-25-1995 10:54 PEP_WALL.BMP 9502 05-23-1996 11:49 PEP_VERT.ANI 553 11-23-1998 22:21 READ THIS FIRST.txt 69020 05-15-1998 20:01 TEMPSITC.TTF --------- ------- 626397 35 files

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