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Description: The Matrix is a system (sci-fi movie)
Category: Sci-Fi
Release Date: March 6th, 2001
File Size: 2307K (2307583 bytes)
Downloads: 2 for the past Day (Rank: 8317)
27 for the past Week (Rank: 7864)
Author: Alejandro MALEFICIUS
Author HTML:
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 2393 02-23-2001 03:21 Readme.txt 1440056 02-20-2001 16:14 Fondo Matrix.bmp 47996 01-25-2001 05:48 ocraext.ttf 4864 02-20-2001 18:05 Matrix.Theme 99302 02-23-2001 02:41 Mce.exe 31802 01-01-1997 00:00 wait.ani 45178 01-01-1997 00:00 help.ani 9188 01-01-1997 00:00 move.ani 9188 01-01-1997 00:00 Size NESW.ani 9186 01-01-1997 00:00 Size NS.ani 9188 01-01-1997 00:00 Size NWSE.ani 9186 01-01-1997 00:00 Size WE.ani 7954 01-01-1997 00:00 busy.ani 2238 01-01-1997 00:00 arrow.cur 2238 01-01-1997 00:00 beam.cur 3774 02-19-2001 19:47 Mi PC.ico 2238 01-01-1997 00:00 no.cur 766 01-01-1997 00:00 pen.cur 2238 01-01-1997 00:00 up.cur 3774 02-19-2001 19:47 Papelera vacia.ico 3774 02-19-2001 19:46 Papelera llena.ico 3774 02-19-2001 19:48 Entorno de Red.ico 453944 02-23-2001 02:37 Matrix - Iniciar Windows.wav 44482 02-23-2001 02:36 Matrix - Comando del menu.wav 62872 02-20-2001 16:47 Matrix - Error en el programa.wav 242642 02-23-2001 02:37 Matrix - Exclamacion.wav 54402 02-23-2001 02:36 Matrix - Asterisco.wav 183786 02-23-2001 02:37 Matrix - Maximizar.wav 78508 02-20-2001 16:52 Matrix - Menu emergente.wav 249018 02-20-2001 16:53 Matrix - Minimizar.wav 7484 02-20-2001 16:55 Matrix - Papelera de reciclaje.wav 229976 02-23-2001 02:38 Matrix - Pregunta.wav 100766 02-23-2001 02:38 Matrix - Restaurar 1.wav 88822 02-23-2001 02:38 Matrix - Restaurar 2.wav 395648 02-23-2001 02:39 Matrix - Salir de windows.wav 118518 02-23-2001 02:39 Matrix - Sonido predeterminado.wav 30780 02-20-2001 17:00 Matrix - Stop critico.wav --------- ------- 4091943 37 files

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