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Description: Metallica - Ride The Lightning (band)
Category: Music
Release Date: February 17th, 2000
File Size: 3996K (3996135 bytes)
Downloads: 2 for the past Day (Rank: 8303)
49 for the past Week (Rank: 1920)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 1440054 02-04-2000 20:43 RL.BMP 105085 02-05-2000 15:36 RL.JPG 3272 07-14-1997 08:00 Bolt.ani 42252 02-05-2000 15:18 SYSTEM DEFAULT.wav 72514 02-05-2000 15:10 CRITICAL STOP.wav 42252 02-05-2000 15:17 DEFAULT SOUND.wav 205644 02-04-2000 22:11 EMPTY RECYCLE BIN.wav 106502 02-05-2000 15:12 EXCLAMATION.wav 742606 02-04-2000 21:11 EXIT WINDOWS.wav 48432 02-04-2000 21:46 MAXIMIZE.wav 50106 02-04-2000 22:03 MENU COMMAND.wav 44162 02-04-2000 22:05 MENU POPUP.wav 41012 02-04-2000 21:57 MINIMIZE.wav 699046 02-04-2000 22:19 NEW MAIL.wav 161024 02-04-2000 21:15 PROGRAM ERROR.wav 88682 02-05-2000 15:16 QUESTION.wav 41012 02-04-2000 21:57 RESTORE DOWN.wav 48432 02-04-2000 21:46 RESTORE UP.wav 1085722 02-04-2000 20:55 START WINDOWS.wav 89286 02-04-2000 22:32 ASTERISK.wav 2238 07-04-1996 12:00 Ride This.ico 18036 07-20-1998 19:59 flash13.ani 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Diagonal Resize 2 (SW-NE).cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Handwriting.cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Help Select.cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Horizontal Resize.cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Move.cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Precision Select.cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Text Select.cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Unavailable.cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Vertical Resize.cur 31512 07-20-1998 20:23 flash14.ani 16723 02-05-2000 16:44 Lars.ico 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Diagonal Resize 1 (NW-SE).cur 766 06-20-1999 18:04 Lightning Alternate Select.cur 16436 02-05-2000 16:33 James.ico 17011 02-05-2000 16:36 Kirk.ico 18164 02-05-2000 16:43 Label.ico 17300 02-05-2000 16:31 Cliff.ico 5877 02-05-2000 17:20 Ride the Lightning.Theme --------- ------- 5308820 40 files

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