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Description: Neon Smiley Face - Male and Female
Category: Miscellaneous
Release Date: June 25th, 1998
File Size: 899K (899804 bytes)
Downloads: 2 for the past Day (Rank: 4304)
28 for the past Week (Rank: 6663)
Author: Randy Craft
Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 5694 05-11-1998 15:34 trip.ico 6454 05-11-1998 15:27 great.ico 5694 05-11-1998 13:41 dev.ico 5694 05-11-1998 15:29 oldlogo.ico 2238 03-16-1998 18:21 Bluebirds arrow.cur 69868 11-30-1997 21:38 Tumi's 3D Help.ani 69884 11-28-1997 21:26 Tumi's 3D Working.ani 69868 11-28-1997 21:22 Tumi's 3D Busy.ani 2238 03-16-1998 18:28 Bluebirds pen.cur 69874 11-30-1997 22:12 Tumi's 3D Unavailable.ani 69878 12-01-1997 06:51 Tumi's 3D Vertical.ani 69880 12-01-1997 06:49 Tumi's 3D Horizontal.ani 2238 03-16-1998 18:25 Bluebirds cross.cur 2238 03-16-1998 18:24 Bluebirds beam.cur 69880 12-01-1997 06:48 Tumi's 3D Diagonal1.ani 69880 12-01-1997 06:49 Tumi's 3D Diagonal2.ani 69868 12-01-1997 06:49 Tumi's 3D Move.ani 2238 03-16-1998 18:30 Bluebirds up.cur 37151 06-20-1998 10:10 NEONSMIL.JPG 373564 11-27-1992 16:49 GLASS.WAV 37846 06-20-1998 10:40 OPR00CNH.WAV 85164 06-20-1998 10:45 OPR00CNP.WAV 12460 06-20-1998 10:43 OPR00CNN.WAV 15389 02-23-1998 04:46 Bluebirds restore down.wav 34790 06-20-1998 10:51 OPR00CO5.WAV 22734 06-20-1998 10:35 OPR00CMY.WAV 54317 06-12-1998 00:11 July 4th exclamation.wav 206508 06-20-1998 10:29 OPR00CMR.WAV 16502 06-20-1998 10:39 OPR00CNF.WAV 101728 06-20-1998 10:47 OPR00CNR.WAV 45725 06-20-1998 10:54 OPR00COA.WAV 660 06-20-1998 21:30 readme.txt 4442 06-20-1998 11:49 47616 08-02-1995 08:54 Bez_32.scr 4616 06-20-1998 21:18 Neon Smiles.Theme --------- ------- 1764818 35 files

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