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Description: Orbital (techno band)
Category: Music
Release Date: November 27th, 1999
File Size: 483K (483025 bytes)
Downloads: 2 for the past Day (Rank: 8220)
23 for the past Week (Rank: 8703)
Author: Will Gardner
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Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 45305 08-04-1999 12:07 orbital 1024x768.jpg 129078 08-04-1999 13:36 Logo.sys 129078 08-04-1999 13:32 LogoW.sys 129078 08-04-1999 13:34 LogoS.sys 3262 08-04-1999 01:03 orbital o icon.ico 766 08-04-1999 00:33 internal 1.ico 2998 08-04-1999 00:25 orb logo icon red.ico 3262 08-04-1999 00:26 midd of no man icon.ico 766 08-04-1999 00:44 main orb cir curs.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 help_1.cur 16454 08-04-1999 12:00 o squah curs.ani 36090 08-04-1999 11:54 o ani.ani 766 05-11-1998 20:01 pen_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 no_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 size4_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 size3_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 cross_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 beam_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 size2_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 size1_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 move_1.cur 766 05-11-1998 20:01 up_1.cur 105307 08-04-1999 01:35 synth2.wav 18364 08-04-1999 11:14 i dont know you p.wav 44822 08-04-1999 01:22 rest.wav 15485 08-04-1999 01:26 duga ding.wav 8400 08-04-1999 01:25 ding.wav 26347 08-04-1999 01:24 rest2.wav 21490 08-04-1999 01:39 bleps.wav 45640 08-04-1999 11:23 i want nothing.wav 16424 08-04-1999 11:35 ching.wav 10762 08-04-1999 11:36 ching chung.wav 7110 08-04-1999 11:16 nothing.wav 13588 08-04-1999 11:15 why are you here.wav 141519 08-04-1999 11:41 whistle.wav 14813 08-04-1999 11:19 god damn you.wav 20052 08-04-1999 01:17 quick quest.wav 75796 08-04-1999 01:42 beats.wav 57542 08-04-1999 11:22 ohhhh.wav 5305 11-08-1999 20:36 Orbital (WG).theme 1802 11-08-1999 20:22 Orbital theme README!!!!.txt --------- ------- 1155131 41 files

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