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Description: Rainbow 6 - Rogue Spear (game)
Category: Games
Release Date: September 10th, 2001
File Size: 2255K (2255020 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 5253)
28 for the past Week (Rank: 7484)
Author: Jaymison M. Tubbs
Content: JOK
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Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 1562028 08-25-1999 15:42 track31.WAV 996408 03-03-2000 19:06 RS_(1152x864).bmp 34112 08-25-1999 15:41 tm_ack.wav 55470 08-25-1999 15:41 tm_alhld.wav 4537 03-03-2000 22:23 Rogue_Spear.theme 4334 10-22-1998 13:59 tm_help.wav 5686 10-22-1998 13:58 tm_fire.wav 5894 10-22-1998 13:58 tm_down.wav 5374 10-22-1998 13:57 tm_cmpac.wav 1246 10-22-1998 13:39 I_Select.wav 10262 10-22-1998 13:54 tm_back2.wav 3064 10-22-1998 13:56 tm_bingo.wav 2462 10-22-1998 13:56 tm_clr.wav 934 10-22-1998 13:38 I_Action.wav 201808 10-22-1998 13:52 Start1.wav 3262 10-19-1998 21:26 pen.cur 766 03-03-2000 19:54 RogueSpear.ico 3262 10-05-1998 18:29 Grenade.ico 3262 10-05-1998 15:36 Flash Bang.ico 996408 03-03-2000 19:06 RS_.bmp 4592 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_ Horiz_Resize.ani 13608 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_ Move.ani 27132 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_busy.ani 4592 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_ Vert_Resize.ani 18116 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_help.ani 2238 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_help.cur 6846 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_Link_Select.ani 766 03-03-2000 21:14 explosion.ico 2238 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_normal.cur 4592 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_precision.ani 4592 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_Text.ani 4592 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_unavailable.ani 18116 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_wait.ani 4592 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_ Alt_Select.ani 4592 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_ Diag_Resize1.ani 4592 03-03-2000 21:19 RS_ Diag_Resize2.ani 1591 03-03-2000 22:59 RS_Theme README.txt --------- ------- 4027966 37 files

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