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Description: SFX of Big Red Racing (video game)
Category: Games
Release Date: October 7th, 1996
File Size: 295K (295753 bytes)
Downloads: 6 for the past Day (Rank: 2513)
35 for the past Week (Rank: 4808)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 5417 08-22-1995 22:35 BigRed Popup.wav 8940 08-22-1995 21:42 BigRed Beep.wav 8647 08-22-1995 22:03 BigRed Close.wav 3580 08-22-1995 22:41 BigRed Command.wav 36706 09-21-1995 11:29 BigRed Critical.wav 16587 08-22-1995 22:34 BigRed Default.wav 7174 08-14-1995 22:37 BigRed DownMin.wav 766 02-05-1995 22:21 BigRed Empty.ico 32706 08-22-1995 22:27 BigRed Empty.wav 68606 10-02-1995 17:32 BigRed Error.wav 13476 08-22-1995 22:31 BigRed Exclamation.wav 59077 09-28-1995 10:20 BigRed Exit.wav 14731 08-22-1995 22:26 BigRed Failure.wav 766 02-05-1995 22:21 BigRed Full.ico 11866 10-03-1996 13:16 BigRed Grass.bmp 766 12-26-1995 19:55 BigRed MyComp.ico 766 12-26-1995 19:52 BigRed Network.ico 17809 08-22-1995 21:45 BigRed Open.wav 20250 08-22-1995 22:30 BigRed Asterisk.wav 17924 08-22-1995 22:38 BigRed Question.wav 4916 10-03-1996 13:49 BigRed Racing.Theme 12963 08-22-1995 22:23 BigRed RingIn.wav 9762 08-22-1995 22:33 BigRed RingOut.wav 4444 12-28-1995 18:46 BigRed Rolll.ani 71423 09-28-1995 10:04 BigRed Start.wav 15515 08-22-1995 22:25 BigRed Success.wav 8645 08-22-1995 22:31 BigRed UpMax.wav 2598 10-03-1996 14:00 1stReadMe.txt --------- ------- 476826 28 files

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