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Theme Doctor: Full Review - Rating Doctor's Choice
Description: South Park (cartoon)
Category: Cartoons
Release Date: February 24th, 1999
File Size: 844K (844311 bytes)
Downloads: 9 for the past Day (Rank: 562)
69 for the past Week (Rank: 432)
Author: South Park Underground
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Content: UNKNOWN
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 15514 08-17-1997 22:47 SPs YOU BASTARDS.wav 5532 08-28-1997 20:38 SPs sorry.wav 20828 08-17-1997 22:43 SPs READY-KICK THE BABY.wav 3768 08-28-1997 20:37 SPs puke.wav 3594 08-29-1997 00:36 SPs poofs.wav 62512 09-21-1997 20:43 SPs Noises-THEY KILLED KENNY.wav 4630 08-28-1997 20:46 SPs no.wav 1696 08-09-1996 21:22 SPs 2-Handwriting.ani 22412 08-28-1997 20:07 SPs ill blow your head off.wav 1888 08-30-1997 22:48 SPs fart-up.wav 1888 08-30-1997 22:48 SPs fart-down.wav 6120 08-28-1997 20:37 SPs eww.wav 6512 08-28-1997 20:39 SPs cool.wav 3594 08-29-1997 00:34 SPs cheesy.wav 7296 08-28-1997 20:41 SPs and what is that.wav 6708 08-28-1997 20:42 SPs acheesypoof.wav 190109 02-16-1997 00:00 SPs Playground(800x600).jpg 120955 02-16-1997 00:00 SPs Playground(640x480).jpg 331554 02-15-1997 23:55 SPs Playground(1024x768).jpg 2238 08-15-1997 09:27 SPs South Park Sign.ico 2238 09-15-1997 00:32 SPs Kenny Microwaved.ico 2238 08-18-1997 12:30 SPs Cheesy Poofs.ico 2238 08-28-1997 23:11 SPs Cheesy Open.ico 4871 11-23-1998 19:12 SPs South Park Fun (800x600).Theme 4871 11-23-1998 19:13 SPs South Park Fun (640x480).Theme 4872 11-23-1998 19:10 SPs South Park Fun (1024x768).Theme 7012 09-16-1997 17:14 SPs VertResizeAlt Bear.ani 22722 09-16-1997 18:21 SPs VertResize Wendy.ani 7002 09-15-1997 23:24 SPs Unavailable.ani 1692 08-09-1996 20:44 SPs Text.ani 29546 10-02-1997 22:51 SPs Stan Pennant Pointer.ani 3254 08-09-1996 20:46 SPs Precision.ani 9108 11-22-1998 18:04 SPs Move.ani 15790 08-29-1997 01:15 SPs Kenny QuestionPointer.ani 15790 08-29-1997 01:25 SPs Kenny Pointer.ani 9238 09-15-1997 21:07 SPs HorizResize COW.ani 2386 12-16-1998 00:40 SPs Handwriting.ani 9236 09-18-1997 21:01 SPs Diag2Resize MrHAT.ani 9238 09-15-1997 20:44 SPs Diag1Resize IKE.ani 18244 10-02-1997 23:07 SPs Cartman Skuzzlebutt Question.ani 49882 09-07-1997 19:42 SPs Cartman Eats Poofs.ani 34088 09-11-1997 19:53 SPs Cartman Beefcake.ani 3230 11-23-1998 22:52 SPs Alternate.ani 5416 08-28-1997 20:45 SPs meow.wav 129318 08-28-1997 22:40 SouthParkLogo.SYS 654 02-16-1997 00:13 (( Please Read me )).txt --------- ------- 1223522 46 files

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