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Description: Earthworm Jim (cartoon)
Category: Cartoons
Release Date: August 7th, 1997
File Size: 743K (743866 bytes)
Downloads: 6 for the past Day (Rank: 2388)
47 for the past Week (Rank: 2140)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 5110 05-01-1997 19:51 High - Earth Worm Jim - Junk City.Theme 5114 05-01-1997 19:50 High - Earth Worm Jim - Asteroids.Theme 5105 05-01-1997 19:51 High - Earth Worm Jim - Heck.Theme 6766 12-26-1996 19:45 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ My Computer.ico 6766 12-26-1996 21:15 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Network Neighborhood.ico 9123 12-30-1996 19:40 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Background 2.jpg 2998 12-26-1996 16:57 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Recycle Bin Empty.ico 2998 12-26-1996 16:54 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Recycle Bin Full.ico 30816 10-13-1996 17:56 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Restore Down.wav 9426 12-30-1996 19:41 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Background 3.jpg 7102 12-30-1996 19:41 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Background 1.jpg 73122 10-13-1996 17:34 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Exclamation.wav 104098 10-13-1996 11:43 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Program Error.wav 77240 10-13-1996 18:08 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Start Windows.wav 91774 10-13-1996 17:23 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Critical Stop.wav 200732 10-13-1996 18:12 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Empty Recycle Bin.wav 53128 10-13-1996 18:07 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Question.wav 9388 12-26-1996 22:59 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Restore Up.wav 1370 10-13-1996 17:30 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Default.wav 30828 10-13-1996 17:58 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Maximise.wav 237102 12-26-1996 22:55 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Exit Windows.wav 7440 12-26-1996 23:00 Earth Worm Jim/EWJ Minimse.wav --------- ------- 977546 22 files

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