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Theme Doctor: Full Review - Rating
Description: NIN - The Downward Spiral
Category: Music
Release Date: April 22nd, 1997
File Size: 1087K (1087094 bytes)
Downloads: 4 for the past Day (Rank: 5025)
60 for the past Week (Rank: 868)
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Content: tvt records
Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 273460 05-23-1996 17:03 nin/the downward spiral/tds-start windows.wav 106256 05-22-1996 21:19 nin/the downward spiral/tds-recycling bin.wav 44898 05-23-1996 16:52 nin/the downward spiral/tds-question.wav 17040 05-22-1996 21:50 nin/the downward spiral/tds-program error.wav 4086 05-22-1996 20:36 nin/the downward spiral/tds-minimize&down.wav 6678 05-22-1996 20:47 nin/the downward spiral/tds-menu popup.wav 6678 05-22-1996 20:47 nin/the downward spiral/tds-menu command.wav 10210 05-22-1996 20:54 nin/the downward spiral/tds-maximize&up.wav 38062 10-22-1995 15:21 nin/the downward spiral/tds-exit windows.wav 38796 10-22-1995 15:28 nin/the downward spiral/tds-exclamation.wav 22700 05-04-1996 00:31 nin/the downward spiral/tds-busy.ani 20478 10-22-1995 16:24 nin/the downward spiral/tds-critical stop.wav 20854 10-22-1995 15:24 nin/the downward spiral/tds-asterisk.wav 122583 04-19-1996 19:41 nin/the downward spiral/tds-background.jpg 8446 05-03-1996 17:42 nin/the downward spiral/tds-recycle bin (full).ico 8446 05-03-1996 16:51 nin/the downward spiral/tds-recycle bin (empty).ico 8446 05-03-1996 19:49 nin/the downward spiral/tds-net neighborhood.ico 8446 05-03-1996 19:50 nin/the downward spiral/tds-my computer.ico 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 nin/the downward spiral/tds-pen.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 nin/the downward spiral/tds-no.cur 1758 07-14-1995 00:00 nin/the downward spiral/tds-cross.cur 2238 07-14-1995 00:00 nin/the downward spiral/tds-beam.cur 2238 11-16-1995 16:17 nin/the downward spiral/tds-arrow.cur 56440 05-17-1996 22:16 nin/the downward spiral/tds-working.ani 18168 05-10-1996 20:56 nin/the downward spiral/tds-up.ani 63182 07-03-1996 13:43 nin/the downward spiral/tds-question.ani 24946 05-09-1996 20:45 nin/the downward spiral/tds-nwse.ani 18168 05-10-1996 20:43 nin/the downward spiral/tds-nsew.ani 24946 05-09-1996 20:41 nin/the downward spiral/tds-ns.ani 24946 05-09-1996 20:40 nin/the downward spiral/tds-nesw.ani 24946 05-09-1996 20:39 nin/the downward spiral/tds-ew.ani 7480 05-22-1996 21:44 nin/the downward spiral/tds-default sound.wav 35784 05-31-1996 17:42 fonts (move these into your windows fonts directory)/n regular.TTF 156128 12-23-1995 23:24 Screen Saver/these go into your windows system directory/Glu32.dll 557968 12-23-1995 23:24 Screen Saver/these go into your windows system directory/Opengl32.dll 96736 12-23-1995 23:25 Screen Saver/these go into your windows system directory/Sstext3d.scr 48800 06-12-1994 15:54 Screen Saver/these go into your windows fonts directory/Technobats.TTF 10240 10-18-1996 23:18 nin/the downward spiral/the downward spiral theme.doc 5590 10-18-1996 23:30 the downward spiral (high color).Theme --------- ------- 1951741 39 files

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