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Description: Official Unreal Tournament theme (on UT site)
Category: Games
Release Date: December 2nd, 2001
File Size: 1089K (1089550 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 6513)
31 for the past Week (Rank: 6238)
Content: Epic Games, Inc
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Other Info: UNKNOWN

Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 5299 09-14-1999 16:40 Unreal Tourney.Theme 44686 08-30-1999 14:48 Unreal Tourney WVLEFT.BMP 840 08-30-1999 14:48 Unreal Tourney WVLINE.GIF 19600 08-30-1999 14:48 Unreal Tourney WVLOGO.GIF 204 09-13-1999 17:28 Readme.txt 162973 09-13-1999 15:08 UTbkgrnd1logo3d.jpg 0 09-13-1999 17:23 UT/ 0 09-13-1999 14:59 UT/Cursors/ 766 04-23-1999 22:22 UT/Cursors/arrow.cur 766 04-23-1999 22:22 UT/Cursors/no.cur 766 04-23-1999 22:22 UT/Cursors/cross.cur 766 04-23-1999 22:22 UT/Cursors/P cross.cur 2238 05-01-1998 13:01 UT/Cursors/ja_14alt.cur 2238 05-01-1998 13:01 UT/Cursors/ja_10ver.cur 2238 05-01-1998 13:01 UT/Cursors/ja_11di1.cur 2238 05-01-1998 13:01 UT/Cursors/ja_12di2.cur 2238 05-01-1998 13:01 UT/Cursors/ja_13mov.cur 2238 05-01-1998 13:01 UT/Cursors/ja_09hor.cur 7808 04-23-1999 22:22 UT/Cursors/busy.ani 766 04-23-1999 22:22 UT/Cursors/help.cur 0 09-13-1999 14:58 UT/Icons/ 3606 09-09-1999 14:29 UT/Icons/3dfx.ico 766 09-10-1999 14:01 UT/Icons/UT1.ico 2998 09-10-1999 14:01 UT/Icons/UT2.ico 2238 08-30-1999 16:04 UT/Icons/UnrealEd.ico 766 09-10-1999 14:02 UT/Icons/Recycle Empty.ico 766 09-13-1999 14:13 UT/Icons/Recycle Full.ico 3774 09-13-1999 14:39 UT/Icons/My Docs.ico 3606 09-13-1999 14:05 UT/Icons/My Computer2.ico 3606 09-13-1999 17:30 UT/Icons/My Computer.ico 0 09-13-1999 14:58 UT/Sounds/ 60432 09-10-1999 17:15 UT/Sounds/ImpactAltFireRelease.wav 44988 09-10-1999 17:15 UT/Sounds/ImpactAltFireStart.wav 60432 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/ImpactFire.wav 29442 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/ImpactPickup.wav 85700 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/TazerAltFire.wav 46210 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/TazerFire.wav 31970 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/TazerSelect.wav 52112 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/Vapour.wav 32078 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/ladvance.wav 12642 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/lcursorMove.wav 108828 09-10-1999 17:16 UT/Sounds/ldoorsopen1b.wav 88930 09-10-1999 17:17 UT/Sounds/lsChange1.wav 13296 09-10-1999 17:17 UT/Sounds/WindowOpen.WAV 20538 09-10-1999 17:17 UT/Sounds/WindowClose.WAV 3620 09-10-1999 17:17 UT/Sounds/LittleSelect.WAV 49342 09-10-1999 17:17 UT/Sounds/BigSelect.WAV 66678 09-10-1999 17:18 UT/Sounds/winner.wav 43378 09-10-1999 17:18 UT/Sounds/unstoppable.wav 38256 09-10-1999 17:18 UT/Sounds/rampage.wav 31606 09-10-1999 17:19 UT/Sounds/winstart.wav 52986 09-10-1999 17:20 UT/Sounds/hgasp1.wav 24888 09-10-1999 17:20 UT/Sounds/gasp02.wav 4678 09-10-1999 17:27 UT/Sounds/Swing1t.wav 28076 09-10-1999 17:28 UT/Sounds/VoiceSnd.wav --------- ------- 1311900 55 files

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