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Description: Vince Gill (country music singer)
Category: Music
Release Date: September 25th, 1998
File Size: 2117K (2117819 bytes)
Downloads: 3 for the past Day (Rank: 6501)
25 for the past Week (Rank: 8343)
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Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 4637 04-12-1998 23:55 vince3.Theme 36303 03-23-1998 16:20 vince background1.JPG 62356 03-23-1998 15:43 vince background2.JPG 49380 03-23-1998 16:38 vince background3.JPG 9052 04-12-1998 23:26 vince busy.ani 44152 04-12-1998 21:52 vince critical.wav 766 06-22-1997 07:18 vince cursor.cur 90136 04-12-1998 22:34 vince default.wav 60616 04-12-1998 22:14 vince empty.wav 3774 03-23-1998 16:12 vince empty1.ico 3774 04-12-1998 15:21 vince empty2.ico 25598 04-12-1998 21:43 vince error.wav 42656 04-12-1998 22:49 vince exclamation.wav 398064 03-23-1998 14:54 vince exit windows1.wav 344108 03-22-1998 23:03 vince exit windows2.wav 367856 04-12-1998 19:11 vince exit windows3.wav 3774 04-12-1998 15:14 vince full1.ico 3774 04-12-1998 18:33 vince full2.ico 68570 04-12-1998 22:45 vince mail.wav 24558 04-12-1998 22:23 vince maximize.wav 35884 04-12-1998 22:25 vince minimize.wav 3774 03-23-1998 16:11 vince my computer1.ico 3774 03-23-1998 15:22 vince my computer2.ico 3774 03-23-1998 16:12 vince network1.ico 3774 04-12-1998 23:16 vince network2.ico 23585 04-12-1998 22:10 vince question.wav 352812 03-23-1998 14:39 vince start windows1.wav 403184 04-12-1998 16:51 vince start windows2.wav 363248 03-23-1998 15:07 vince start windows3.wav 18722 07-14-1995 00:00 vince working.ani 4637 04-12-1998 23:54 vince.Theme 4623 04-12-1998 23:54 vince2.Theme 70999 04-12-1998 22:40 vince asterisk.wav --------- ------- 2936694 33 files

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